Not Spaghetti and Meatballs!
Liver and Onions with Polenta When I was a kid cowboy movies were big entertainment. I couldn’t wait for every Saturday morning when the theatres would program 3 westerns and 5 cartoons. (This was in the 50’s before daytime television) There were famous cowboys, Lash Larue with his whip, singing Gene Autry, toothless Gabby Hayes, and Hoot Gibson. My hero was Roy Rogers and his horse Trigger , while his wife Dale had ol’ Buttermilk . This was about as close as I ever got to a horse and I never thought that people in the world would eat horse meat. It was a shock to me to find that here in north of Italy there are restaurants that specialize in horse meat. You can also find meat dealers in every market that sell horse meat. You can buy steaks of horse meat, or even tiny strings of “gourmet” horse meat. Italians will tell you that horse meat has less fat than beef, that it is better for you. I have also seen horsemeat shops ...