Mario Andretti, where were you?
I am afraid that this post will sound like an advertisement for truffles and the Motovun Truffle Festival. I must admit that I am not an expert on food, nor truffles, On this subject I feel more like a redneck who blundered into a beer and crawdad festival. Previously, most of my experience with truffles is like a kid window shopping for toys at Christmas. My experience has been more like field testing for flavors I have never known to exist. However, I will try my best to give a straightforward analysis of the whole affair. This has been one of the best weekends I have had all year! We have had some great ones. Reviewing the weekend my mind has indulged itself, lingering over long moments of a taste so warm and filled with the sudden sensation of glorious contentment. It was that good! Finding almost nothing but short critiques on the festival on th...