Bringing The Bird Home
THANKSGIVING ... is at the top of the list of special occasions I did not want to miss when moving to Italy. But where in the Veneto to obtain a turkey? I had never seen a whole turkey in any market. One could walk all over Padova and not find one gobbler anywhere in the meat markets. They don’t exist. The closest thing would be a leg and thigh, attached, or you can also buy breast of turkey. Italians do not eat a whole turkey, never see them, and they do not roast them or cook them whole. I knew they had turkeys, just not whole ones. I began to look harder. My quest was successful after I questioned my local macellaio (butcher) if he could provide a whole turkey. I began a long explanation, recounting the history of Thanksgiving in America. He smiled and told me that my request could be met, and what date would I want to pick it up. Thanksgiving was a go! I described the size I needed, and th...