On The Road Again
The sun removes the mist, the Venetian fog is cleared and I can see clearly the hills just beyond our home. The view seems more colorful today, but it is not due to the sun or the weather. The reason can be found in my wallet, a pinkish piece of plastic that has my name and personal information. On the reverse side there is a statement that says this person has the right to drive in Italy for 5 years. While not as easy as an Indian dancing through hoops, I have squeezed through the testing hoops, and now a great weight has dropped from my shoulders. I feel peace again. Very important, that feeling of peace, when you are old. First Hoop With over 7,000 questions developed the computer randomly chose 40 for me to answer. Allowed to miss 4 out of the 40, I failed by a question on one test and two questions on another. I repaid the expensive fee and passed on the third try. What did I learn? These motor vehicle empl...