Getting “High” In Italy
When I first moved to Italy I did my best to see every famous cathedral, museum and castle within means, filling my weekends and sometimes weekdays fulfilling the needs of a tourist on a mission. Unfortunately, the first few years of this gluttonous touristing caused what I call being “museumed out” This occurs when you have seen way too many museums, villas, castles, exhibitions, and far too many cathedrals. Your eyes begin to tire and your tired brain slows and you begin to remember less of what have seen. You enter a cathedral and you begin to hurry through and you take less notice of things. Your foggy brain, eyes and soul need a change of pace. This behavior is not akin only to foreigners, Italians also feel the need for change. I have found a good answer to this. Rugged Exterior After reading several books by Italian soldiers of WWI, I decided to set about looking ...