Cowboys In Italy?
Buffalo Grazing South of Denver Ghost Town in Colorado Yippee Kay Yay, cowpokes! Last winter an unintentionally funny restaurant called Old Wild West opened in Monselice which is about a pistol shot from my village. This is run by a corporate chain which has placed their burger joints in many other places all over Italy. We have also been to the one in Padova, our nearest big city. When I need a horse kick to get my blood flowing, we make a visit. I miss burgers, and my Italian wife now has a similar craving. She is converted This is not a commercial for them, but more of a small Italian adventure, so please relax and put your boots up. Remove your spurs, mind the fancy Italian furniture! The two saddles placed on sawhorses at the door of Old Wild West call out to the youngsters….” Ride ‘em Cowboy.” Walking inside, my first response was to point and laugh at the museum of cowboy paraphernalia nailed t...