Damn Jam At The Border

Rovinj, Croatia This past weekend we took a pleasurable diversion on the coast of Croatia. We have found a favorite place in the town of Rovinj, which sets peacefully on a spit of land protruding into the Adriatic Sea. We have stayed in other towns along the coast but the view and the dining choices have won us over. Many places have a pig roasting on a spit, sometimes two, and you can smell it from several hundred meters away. Many of the restaurants feature truffle based cooking as this is a truffle area extraordinaire. We have found some creative chefs who offer items such as smoked sea bass mousse, fried octopus, marinated fish salad and octopus salads. Prices have risen this year but are still under what we would find in Italy. It makes the three hour trip from our home more worthwhile when you know what you will experience at the end of the road. turn down the sound and watch the short video However, this wee...