Super Market Challenge
I go grocery shopping once a week. I try to go early and on a weekday. Saturday shopping in a large grocery store can be frustrating. It will be crowded and people are in a hurry. Most of the time, even on weekdays I feel a bit stressed by the time I reach my car to unload my cart. It all starts when I lock my car and take my two large plastic bags over to where I stick in a euro into the cart lock. The market makes sure that they don't lose any carts to homeless people. I don't know why they do this as there are no homeless people in my area. Italy does not have the kind of homeless situation such as found in America. I will get my euro back when I return the cart, it is just kind of a free rental situation. I head into the market and my first stop is the vegetable area. Italy has fairly good produce and where it came from is stated above the item. Cabbage from Germany, apples from Spain, you will know what count...