Lasagna in the Veneto
Lasagna in the Veneto Lasagna, Venetian Style When I first moved to the Veneto I was invited to a dinner where I could watch the food preparation, something of which I am always interested. I saw sheets of pasta hand rolled using a long pole, quite like a cut off broom stick. It was amazing to see how the pasta could be rolled up around and around and then laid back out on the floured work surface. Over and over it was being worked and flattened into a sheet for lasagna. This is the original old way of doing a lasagna sheet and I have to admit it was a lot of work. When I make this I use an attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer. Very Heavy Metal Attachments My three attachments for pasta are the roller sheet, the fettuccine and the spaghetti cutter. If you have a Kitchen Aid, look into purchasing these handy attachments that are so easy to use. Below is the recipe I use. 300 grams of 00 flour 3 egg yolks ...