Some Progress

grapes on left side Yesterday the Italian authorities relaxed the stay at home rule and allowed people to go no more than 200 meters from their home. This caused many to go out for a small passeggiata. We live near the edge of a village that is bordered with vines for white wine, and fields of wheat. You can see the volcanic hills are not far, and the soil there helps produce some of the best red wines in the Veneto. As you can see, the freeway was quite empty of cars for a Sunday at 6;30. Usually at that time people are headed back from a trip out away from home. It is better for drivers on a Sunday as trucks are not allowed on the autostrada. You will see them lined up at truck stops, waiting for Monday as they head north to Austria, Slovenia, or south to Firenze and Roma. Hungry American Families In Line for free food I have asked my friends to write and tell us what they are experiencing where they live. Everyone has ...