
Showing posts from July, 2020
Polished Cart In Hills Near Our Home Here we are at the end of July and activities in northern Italy are almost back to normal.  People wear masks when they leave their home and use them when around other people.   They remove them once inside their cars.  Lines at the pharmacy and the post office stay maintained to be spaced  two meters between each other.  They have placed a tear off number for knowing who is next.  This is good for Italians as we have folks who sometimes conveniently forget who is next.    Covid Cases in Italy  Our daily skies have been the bluest I can remember, due to the lack of smog.  We went almost two months with no freeway/autostrada traffic as everyone stayed home.  Now a majority of people are back to work, with some still working at home.  This is because there is still a risk of contacting the virus, so the less people together, the better. Cases in Regions (Veneto) Our cases remain so much l...