Good News of Progress in Italy

Greetings everyone. I have been mostly hiding out from covid. I started back in Feb over a year ago, my first grocery cart was full of things I thought I would need. Stupidly I was thinking of needs in months, rather than a full year and more. We were all unprepared for the consequences of this pendemic. None of us had no idea we would be living under terrible conditions for way over a year. My heart goes out to all the nurses, doctors and workers in hospitals who have made crucial decisions and watched the pandemic take lives. I feel great sorrow towards the victims and these caring workers who are risking their own lives to help the sick. My Mayor, has been a great provider of information to his citizens. He could just enjoy television, or read a book, but instead he has quickly found out facts concerning getting his citizens vaccinated. My wife read his words and quickly went online and got her mother an appointment for vaccine. Her mother's doctor didn't even know...