Clone of "Dave" Meeting Bob
Maybe you missed it.  Maybe you are too young or living in a foreign land.    There was a time, a really good time, when if you had 60 cents you could meet this big plastic Big Boy at the front door of Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant. Ah, those were the days!  Their burgers were so good that some teens made this the prom night restaurant.  Imagine a bunch of teens in tuxedos and fancy dresses having a burger.  It DID happen.
Real Prices

Not to Pass Up!
When I was a teenager in high school, you could get a great double decker burger for 60 cents, fries for a dime (10 cent), and even a cup of coffee only cost 10 cents.  This burger was made on a grill, not from a factory box, warmed up in a microwave contraption.  (You know who I am talking about right?)
Those aren't real burgers at Mickey D's!

Thank you, Brits!
Caramel Inside Was Better
Let me divert for a second and explain how things have changed. This  will help you realize how prices have sky rocketed by inflation and the greed and world wide profit making.  We can now find burgers for ten dollars or more.  Just last week I saw one for 20 euros.  Items like Snicker Bars use to cost 5 cents while a Mars bar was 10 cents, and chewing gum, 5 cents.  I think I have seen Snicker Bars here in Italy for 1 euro, and they are a lot smaller than they used to be!  A real premium candy bar from Great Britain called  Cadbury had creamy caramel inside cost 10 cents.  

Due to the fact that I announced one evening during dinner that I would be going on strike and not washing dishes anymore until my parents raise my allowance above one dollar.  I had been studying American history and we were learning about worker rights and how the economy expanded through union action.  My father, a union man who knew how to negotiate the hard way and always quick to see good luck, told me, “Fine, you can now wash the dishes for free!”  This was not the outcome I had expected.  My plans for extra money in my wallet went out the window.   I actually thought about making a sign and marching up and down the sidewalk in protest. 

Later on in life, I got the chance to carry a sign on the streets of Seattle, and I even carried one in protest against Arnold Schwarzenegger , who was governor of California at the time.  Another story.

How I Remember It.
Was A Bad Governor Of California

I had to go into survival mode, by not eating lunch and pocketing my lunch money,. IMy mother gave me 2 dollars a week to buy my lunches at school.  2 dollars for the whole week could cover the dreaded school cafeteria offerings.   By starving myself I would have 2 dollars for the weekend girlfriend activity.  It was far easier back then, here is how I did it.  

The Truth Hurts!

Our Ford Was Corporate Grey
(We Were Ahead Of The Times)

In order to use the family car I had to buy gas.   1 dollar went into the gas tank of the family car.   Gasoline prices, in the 60’s were lower and 1 dollar would buy at least 3 gallons or more.   Sometimes there would be a gas war between stations, and one could find gas for 17 cents a gallon.   It was smart to look out the window when driving around to find the cheapest station.  We didn’t have texting back then so teens actually were aware of their surroundings.   They could even carry on a discussion with a real person.  
The local “drive in movie” had a price of 1 dollar a  car load, so if I double dated with a friend I would have 50 cents left over for popcorn (10 cents) and sodas, also 10 cents. 

Bring This Back
Don't Remember the Hypnotist

Weekend Entertainment
How We Saw Most Movies Back Then
Recent Movies Were Never on TV

Ask a teenager how much money they spend now on a weekend!  Those of you who have teenagers, don’t you wish two dollars was back in style?   My parents never actually knew how lucky they were.  I bet those Bob’s Big Boy Hamburgers now cost a lot more, if you can find one of their restaurants.    I do miss their burgers.

To help you further understand the times back then here are a few reminders.
They Sold The Rights To Their
Music to Michael Jackson!
The Bee Gees Were Better

A Lot Of Boys Got This Stupid Haircut

During English Class
Announcement to Go Home
School Cancelled For Days

I believe that this headline announces the slow death of the American spirit.  We sadly sat in front of the television for three days and watched.  Another Story.....
Go have a burger this weekend.


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