Happy Birthday U.S.A.!

I am enjoying my day while thousands of miles away and across the sea my friends and relatives are sleeping.  In a few hours they will soon commence their big blowout birthday celebrations for America.   Most Americans will have the day off and picnics and family get togethers are planned.  I miss these greatly.  Italians do not think about July 4, they have their own birthday with a day off of work.   My thoughts are with all of you in the states today.

My Step Mom Always Made a Rhubarb Pie
When I first moved to Italy I tried to keep the bigness of July 4 going with my friends here.  It is difficult because July 4 does not fall on a weekend every year and people here work and basically could care less about this birthday.  They went along with my plans, but after a few years we began to plan less and less.  This year's celebration will begin after work with burgers on the barbecue.  For a smile I might show fireworks on some youtube video while I remember past 4ths.  There have been some good ones.  I can't remember any bad.

My Parents and Step Brother
He Always Had A Barbecue Feast
I wish everyone who celebrates the 4th a happy day.  Whatever you are eating, fried chicken, hot dogs, steak, or burgers have a blast.  Dive into that potato salad, those greens, and taste food brought to you by the hard farm workers and suppliers.  Savour that cake or pie with ice cream on top and be thankful for this day.  Give your family lots of hugs and the children some positive attention.  Don't blow your hand off lighting those M80's.  (Wayne)  haha

Lastly, do something nice for someone less fortunate.  It's the American way, and we don't want to lose that spirit.

Ciao tutti,


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