Summer Is Almost Over


We turn our backs on vacation today and return to our small village.  It has been hot there and I am afraid that  my zucchini plants have not survived.  We leave this small campsite paradise and the small mosquitos who have learned to find my juiciest parts in which to feast.  It has been a peaceful 10 days, a time of beautiful sights, great food and many catch up naps.

Yesterday we witnessed a whole morning of people from other countries is Europe leaving the massive campground near the beach.  The cars and vans drove past us non stop, being forced to leave because their countries suddenly listen Croatia as an orange zone.  This meaning the when they return they must quarantine for two weeks or take a test.  Some, in order to stay will take the 80 euro test here from a  clinic.  The rest have deserted  the campsite more looking like a ghost town after the gold vein peters out. Imagine 2,000 people suddenly heading for the exit.  

We had a massive deluge yesterday afternoon which has cooled the temperatures from hot, get in the pool, to do I need a jacket?  Yet, today I see many eating on their porches (we are in a bungalow area) in their bikinis and swim trunks.  (Do we use “trunks” anymore? showing age of author here.)

(“Peters out” is another one)  Anyhow it makes eating breakfast on the porch more interesting.  

During this time my wife has finished knitting half a sweater, a very fancy one, some socks, a small gnome, a hat,
close up of fried squid
and spun some wool.  She has ordered some patterns for sweaters, bought more yarn (never enough) and made plans for the immediate future.  I have finished three watercolor paintings, have another half finished, and slaughtered another now headed for the trash can.  Apple now calls that the bin, I prefer trash. 

Fried Squid is a tasty dish in Croatia.

Not So Flaming Chips
But still worth bringing home

We will go home to our clean house, put things away, do the wash, and remove the food items we purchased here in Croatia and Slovenia that we cannot obtain in Italy.  Cheese with truffle, sour cream flavored potato chips, flaming hot chips (spicy is not well appreciated in  N. Italy), cheese spread, hot salsa, some chili peppers, two bottles of fabulous olive oil, and numerous bottles of white wine,  Tomorrow we will visit the local hospital to the drive up to be covid tested so that my wife can go back to work safely.  That is required by the state.  We go happily as we do not want to spread the virus if we have been in contact.  Our government here has done a very good job lowering the number of cases.   Plus our citizens, for the most part, are wearing masks, etc.  See the chart for new cases in Italy.

We live in the region called the Veneto, which encompasses Venice, Padova, Belluno, Rovigo, Verona, Vicenza,and Treviso which is a large area much like a state in the USA.  The virus has cost the lives of  2,098, there are 48 in hospital, 1,640 at home, 1,688 total positive cases,  6 people in intensive care.   Italy has done a fine job keeping data and tracking down possible contacts.  Politics has not gotten involved with this data keeping.  

This next week I will again attempt to bake sourdough type bread using my new baskets and a Spanish recipe.  I think my past attempts have ironed out a possible acceptable result.  It is not easy, even after watching many videos that make it look so.  I have been missing Mexican tacos, and I hope that my cilantro plants have survived the heat.  

It has been a strange half year for all of us.  The quietness of the nearly 3 month lockdown, the skies clearing, the autostrada very still, and the news of many sick and struggling to overcome.  I will never forget the photos of the lines of army trucks taking away the caskets in Bergamo and Milano in the middle of the night.  This done to not panic the citizens, but they knew.  It was their relatives and family members who were now absent.  This is one reason why we are complying with the regulations here in northern Italy. 

Slovenian Scenes 
My next blog post will be about our short trip to Slovenia and the great wine area called Jeruzalem Road.  And with that I will say, "Ciao", and "stay safe". 


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