A new blog post coming soon.
More Things Italian
All Things Italian This morning in my coffee bar, I spent a few hours on an art project and did my usual people watching. 7 Men came in for a coffee, and 8 women of which half were a group on over 80’s who meet twice a week there. Only one of the men was retirement age, he is a regular who speaks loudly in Veneto to the barista. She always speaks loudly, so they get along fine. I don’t know what it is about baristas, they must have a hearing problem as they are almost yelling at the customers, greeting them with a buongiorno and then asking them which type of brioche they want, and then running through the whole list of what is inside the brioches. One can find chocolate, cream, vuoto (empty), pistacchio (pronounced Kee, not chee) nutty, and more. One other thing about all baristas, they all love to make noise when putting the coffee cups and saucers in the sink. I think that they must be cymbal players in the local town band. When I first went into the bar, my phone told me i...